Corporate governance
TUBACEX was one of the first Spanish companies to introduce good governance guidelines into its executive bodies. As early as 1994 it approved an Internal Stock Market Code of Conduct, and since 1995 it has been using the recommendations made in the Cadbury and Viennot reports to modify the way in which the Board operates. These recommendations focus on reduced numbers of board members and executive board members, increased numbers of independent board members, the setting up of monitoring committees within the board, etc.
In 1998 TUBACEX approved the “Code of Conduct for the Board of Directors of Tubacex S.A.”, setting out basic organization and operating standards as well as a code of conduct for board members. In that year, TUBACEX was one of the first Spanish companies that included in their Annual Accounts a broad report about Corporate Governance and about the degree of compliance in achievement of the Code of Good Governance.
TUBACEX is one of the best positioned companies in terms of Corporate Governance. It is continuously mentioned as an example of Good Governance among Spanish companies and it has become a reference of this issue even ahead other companies with higher size.
The Good Corporate Governance proves that the TUBACEX Group complies with practically all the existing recommendations in terms of good governance. It also lays out a commitment to continue incorporating into its activities all aspects that facilitate transparency in its management processes.