Sectors & applications

Sectors and applications of activity

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Sectors and applications

The main sectors currently focused on by the company are Energy and Mobility.

From oil and gas exploration and extraction, refining industry, and various chemical and petrochemical industries, to low-emission energies, with the development of new innovative solutions for generation, storage, and transportation of energy for developing markets such as hydrogen or CCUS (carbon capture, storage, and utilization).

Likewise, its products and services meet the needs of various chemical and petrochemical industries, aerospace, food and desalination water, equipment and electronics sectors, and new technologies, among other sectors of activity.

Low Carbon


Oil & Gas Exploration and Production

Fertilizer Industry


Hydrocarbon processing Industries

Other sectors

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First half-year results and strategic milestones

Bilbao, July 24, 2024. The Tubacex Group has closed the first half of 2024 with consolidated sales of €398 million, marking a period of significant investments in CAPEX and working capital related to strategic clients and projects, while solidifying its annual results. These efforts are...

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