Since its inception in 2016, the Tubacex Foundation has been at the forefront of driving impactful projects in education, culture, sports, social welfare, and employment. Our mission is clear: to enrich the lives of the communities where we operate, bringing value and fostering growth.

With Tubacex’s global expansion, it became essential to focus our efforts through a unified entity. This entity, aligned with our corporate strategy, serves as the cornerstone for initiatives in our four key areas:

  • Education and Training: Fostering international education and scholarships.
  • Diversity (Equity and Equality): Promoting diverse talent.
  • CO2 Impact: Respecting and preserving the environment.
  • Community Support: Strengthening local communities and providing emergency assistance.

Our ambition for 2030 is to fully realize our commitment to people and equal opportunities to achieve a sustainable future for all. By driving international training, diversity, environmental respect, and community support, we aim to be a catalyst for economic and social growth.

Explore the Tubacex Foundation and join us in making a difference: Tubacex Foundation

Together, we can create a brighter, more sustainable future.